Created in 1919, following the First World War, Gillet is the third of the “Demoiselles de Herstal” (as everyone knows the other two being FN and Saroléa).
The company is founded by Léon Gillet, an accountant by training, is very quickly smitten by the passion of the new world and fascination of the motorcycle and creator Fernand Laguesse.

Thanks to the skill of numerous (*) they will near on all (70 to 80 models) be present at Autoworld from the 30th of October until the 7th of November, including the authentic Tour du Monde machines (* *) and the expedition towards Léopoldville (***).
Documentation and iconography of the period accompany these machines.

(*)Yves Campion, Vincent Derdeyn, Michel Degueldre, Jan Leux
(**) kindly loaned by the Musée de Chatellerault/France
(***) ….by the Musée de la Vie Wallonne/Liège